Shaders Plus


Learn how each setting and feature can be used to its fullest extent!

Developed by SMOUSE (Cody Setchfield)

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Shaders Plus

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Documentation > Installation

Shaders Plus


You can install the Shaders Plus Addon very simply!First, navigate to Preferences > Add-ons > Install.
Select the .zip file you downloaded for Shaders Plus (do not unzip after downloading), and make sure to enable the checkbox for Shaders Plus to enable it.
Finally, hit Save Preferences * to make sure Shaders Plus will stay installed after each restart.

Shaders Plus


Guides on how to use the Real-Time Caustics features and controls within Shaders Plus.
Quick Tip: The color of the caustics are tied to the overall material color.

Extra Settings...


"Caustics Strength"

Caustics Strength determines the overall intensity of the caustics.Make sure the Transmission is turned on in your shader controls if you're using Principled Plus or BSDF (with Modules).A value of 0.0 is "Off", while 1.0 is the "base" output, it's recommended to go beyond 1.0, to 3.0, or even 30.0 depending on how necessary the case may be. However, it's usually best to stick around 1.0 - 3.0.

Documentation > Caustics > Object Shadow


"Caustics Object Shadow"

Caustics Object Shadow reintroduces the original shadow of the object, without getting rid of the center caustics entirely.Be mindful when pairing it with Caustics Dispersion, as it can increase the contrast of the colors, so be gentle with the values.

Under the + Settings menu, you'll find an Old Object Shadow button, which allows you to utilize the older v3 Object Shadow method.In comparison, this is basically an inverted version of the current method, simply allowing for more stylistic control.


"Caustics Dispersion"

Caustics Dispersion adds and moderates the of chromatic dispersion where the caustic's hotspots are.Controlling the width spread is not currently possible with this setup yet (that would be cool), only the overlay and saturation intensity.The Dispersion is also linked to the Complex / Simple Caustics setting.

You can optionally sync the Caustics Dispersion with the + Dispersion control by enabling Link Disperions (+ Dispersion is Master) under + Settings, where the + Dispersion will now override the Caustics dispersion control. Allowing you to have consistent and equal control over both.

Documentation > Caustics > Focal Point


"Focal Point"

Caustics Focal Point is a new feature in Shaders Plus v4.Focal Point allows you to reposition the central origin point of where the caustics are generated. This allows for more precise artistic control of how and where the caustics generated.Default value is 1.0, which is directly under the source mesh.
0.0 moves the caustics up the shadow, away from the source.
1.0 and above moves the shadow closer to the source object.

As seen in the demo video, you'll get further control when changing the Complex / Simple Caustics value.This setting also works great in tandem with Caustics IOR

Documentation > Caustics > Caustics IOR



Caustics IOR (Index of Refraction) is a new feature in Shaders Plus v4.This value lets you adjust the refractive index, or to put simply, the shape of the caustics depending on their mesh output.This feature is especially useful for instances where you would like to adjust the shape of the hotspot result.
Say you have a sphere, and are not immediately getting a central hotspot like you would expect. Caustics IOR lets you adjust where that hotspot should be.
This is extremely important for art direction.

As seen in the demo video, you'll get further control when changing the Complex / Simple Caustics value.This setting also works great in tandem with Caustics Focal Point

Documentation > Caustics > Caustics Imperfections



Caustics Imperfections acts as a sort of blur filter for the technique used to generate the caustics, especially the Dispersion, as well as for breaking up the shape a bit to introduce some visual noise.0.0 is no imperfections; hard banding.
1.0 is full "blur" effect.
Low values like 0.1 or less are great for stylized jaggy effects.

From this second video example, you can see how the imperfections also mimic the Light Size effect. Increasing the light size makes all shadows softer. Since the caustics are driven by shadow information, the dispersion bands get blurred.
The Imperfections slider is useful for being able to retain sharp shadows from a small light size, while still having that blurred caustics effect.

Documentation > Caustics > Complex / Simple Caustics


"Complex / Simple"

Complex / Simple Caustics is a new feature in Shaders Plus v4.Complex vs Simple Caustics simply lets you change which "caustics engine" is being used.
Complex Caustics add more "hotspot arms" from the center-outwards, allowing for more detailed caustics.
Simple is a singular hotspot. This is extremely useful for more simple and/or intentional design choices.

As seen in the demo video, you'll get further control when changing the Complex / Simple Caustics value.This setting also works great in tandem with Caustics Focal Point

Documentation > Caustics > Complex / Simple Caustics

+ Settings

"Energy Conservation (Clamp)"

This is simply a toggle button that allows you to clamp the settings of the Caustics and various features, by not letting values from the Caustics Shadow for example exceed 1.0 (where the shadow becomes invisible).

Documentation > Dispersion

Shaders Plus


Learn how to utilize the realistic Dispersion effects within Shaders Plus, to create photorealistic glass, water, jewelry, and more!Fun Fact: Our Dispersion is "continuous", meaning it produces a realistic prism-gradient effect, rather than a simple RGB offset.

+ Settings

"Energy Conservation (Clamp)"

This is simply a toggle button that allows you to clamp the settings of the Caustics and various features, by not letting values from the Caustics Shadow for example exceed 1.0 (where the shadow becomes invisible).

Documentation > Thin Film

Shaders Plus

"Thin-Film Interference"

Learn the all the powerful ways to utilize our physically accurate Thin-Film Interference feature! It's perfect for use cases such as pearlescence, anodized metals, oil spills, soap bubbles, and so much more!

Fun Fact: With the help of Dr. Robert Mooreland's formula, we're able to achieve physically accurate Thin-Film without gradients, allowing for a long range of color transitions without any hard clamping due to color ramps.

Home > Bug Report

Shaders Plus

Bug Report

Please share with us any bugs, glitches, or any feedback you think we should know. :)

Developed by SMOUSE (Cody Setchfield)

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If your problem is not one of these known issues, please feel free to fill out this form and let us know what you are encountering.
Please include as much information and details as possible, along with your correct email address in case we need to get in touch with you for more details about replicating this issue ourselves.
Thank you, and we apologize for any inconveniences you may be encountering.